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Outlook: Internet of things in 2015

Table of Contents

  1. Summary
  2. The smart home evolves
  3. The smartgrid in 2015
  4. IoT platform wars heat up
  5. Industrial IoT
  6. Key Takeaways
  7. About Adam Lesser
  8. About Adam Lesser

1. Summary

The internet of things (IoT), which entails the networking of the physical world and embedding of those devices within existing internet infrastructure, may well prove to be one of the most defining technology trends of the next 10 years. Opportunities include not just new connected “smart” devices but also the component hardware (microprocessors, microcontrollers, communications chips) and the software and cloud infrastructure to manage the networking and resulting data/analytics.

This 2015 outlook examines where the near term growth in this space will come from as well as the trends within industries that will be most important over the next 12 to 24 months. The smart home, smart grid, IoT platforms, and industrial IoT applications are key sectors that will lead in innovation.

Thumbnail image courtesy of Henrik5000/iStock.