Medical Automation: AI for the OR

How Chooch AI Equips AI-Enabled ORs that Could Save More than $1 Billion and Numerous Lives Over the Next Decade

Table of Contents

  1. Summary
  2. Case Study

1. Summary

Chooch recently partnered with a well-known medical devices provider. The company serves operating rooms (ORs) and hospitals, aiming to replicate human visual recognition and automate dozens of vital OR processes so personnel can focus on procedures and patients instead of on manual, repetitive, IT-related tasks such as data entry.

Key Findings

  • Chooch’s solution helped streamline surgical processes in the OR. It also improved accuracy and reduced the chances of negligence and patient readmission.
  • The solution was built in full compliance with HIPAA and other laws.
  • Using Chooch’s vision-based solutions, ORs can save potentially as much as $1 billion over the next decade.

Chooch was established in 2015 as an end-to-end visual Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform. As a “vertical-agnostic” solution, Chooch AI provides fast and accurate computer vision training, image, object, and process recognition. The company serves numerous industries, including healthcare, workplace safety, military, retail, media, aviation, and security. It also trains and develops flexible, custom AI models to extend standard models for edge or cloud use cases. With its easy-to-deploy API and dashboard for AIoT and Cloud AI, Chooch helps acquire visual expertise in a structured way that accurately mimics human behavior. Chooch also partners with other companies to provide training of AI models to identify objects, actions, and images for any visual task; and to label and annotate images and video.

The Chooch AI solution was recently deployed by a well-known biomedical device company that designs, manufactures, and supplies a range of cutting-edge medical devices to hospitals and operating rooms (OR). It focuses primarily on “Smart OR” technologies that streamline OR processes, improve communications among healthcare personnel, and deliver better care to those who matter most—the patients.

Currently the company is adopting surgical logs (electronic records) to help ORs track surgical procedures, prevent costly errors, minimize malpractice events, and ensure compliance with HIPAA and other laws.