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GigaOm Radar for Edge Infrastructurev1.0

Key Criteria for Evaluating Edge Infrastructure

Table of Contents

  1. Summary
  2. About the GigaOm Radar
  3. Market Categories and Segmentation
  4. Key Criteria Comparison
  5. GigaOm Radar
  6. Vendor Roundup
  7. Conclusion

1. Summary

The edge market has been growing by leaps and bounds despite the fact that many people are still uncertain about what ‘the edge’ is, and which technology components enable edge applications. Edge infrastructure represents the technology that will host edge applications that do not run directly on an IoT device or industrial sensor. The goal of edge infrastructure is to bridge the gap between wired or wireless edge device networks and the larger internet, providing low-latency connectivity to the edge and high-bandwidth throughput to the public cloud and on-premises data centers.

Edge infrastructure is an extension of existing infrastructure found in the public cloud or on-premises data center, located in closer proximity to edge devices and IoT gateways. Applications running on edge infrastructure can perform operations such as:

  • Data aggregation and summarization
  • Machine learning and analysis
  • Localized breakout
  • Real-time data processing

While the use cases are varied and still unfolding, the need for edge infrastructure is clear. The transformation of edge applications relies on a powerful ‘last mile’ collection of resources that represents edge infrastructure.