Emerging Approaches to Cloud-Native Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Table of Contents

  1. Summary
  2. Why We Are Here
  3. Essentials of DR Planning
  4. New Approach, New Technology Needed
  5. Call To Action

1. Summary

While many organizations have a backup for their on-premises data, they often perceive cloud computing as having Disaster Recovery (DR) built-in, and in some cases, they are told that outright. However, enterprises are not so naive. Research shows that only 22% of businesses have high confidence in their DR plan in the event of an emergency. While this sentiment covers both cloud and on-premises data protection solutions, organizations tend to ignore DR in the cloud more, as many falsely assume that it is included.

Indeed, the truth is that it takes more care in terms of how you keep your cloud-born and on-premises data safe. Considering the cost-of-risk, cloud-based DR is the bargain of the century, and it is time you understand what is there, and how to leverage it effectively. What is even more disturbing about the current state of DR in the cloud is that most enterprises are unaware of the available DR technology, and the fact that it is now economically affordable to every organization. This comes down to the following meta recommendations:

  • Look for backup and recovery solutions that are integrated and turn-key, such as all-in-one backup and data protection solutions that are driven from the cloud.
  • Consider existing, new, and emerging data storage solutions – both cloud and on-premises.
  • Understand your own requirements, then pick the DR solution that is best for protecting both on-premises and public-cloud-based data assets.

Data protection and disaster recovery are core to ensuring business continuity and the long-term survival of the business. Let us explore the latest and greatest in cloud-native business continuity approaches and technology.