In addition to various internal teams (project manager, content and design, and so on), the following are key players in our research process:

Analyst Icon

The analyst is the subject matter expert who conducts the research. Working within the GigaOm methodological framework, the analyst places the research within the context of current market conditions and determines both the inclusion criteria and the evaluation criteria. The analyst then applies our scoring framework to the specific research context.

Research Leader Icon

The research lead works closely with the analyst throughout the process and ensures consistency and rigor within the GigaOm methodology, providing a quality mechanism for the GigaOm brand. The research lead performs technical reviews at various checkpoints and reviews decision criteria, scoring, product write-ups, and the Radar chart. In the event of vendor questions or concerns, the research lead will coordinate with GigaOm’s executive leadership team.

Briefing & Fact Check Coordinators Icon

The briefing and fact-check coordinators play a key liaison role as part of the wider project management team, and are the points of contact for vendors during each checkpoint in the research process. The briefings team coordinates vendor questionnaires and briefings during the briefing window, and the fact-check team coordinates vendor reviews during the fact check review period.

Vendor Icon

Vendor participation is an important aspect of our research and verification process. We believe that vendor input in the data gathering and fact check review stages, as described earlier, enhances the quality of our results. (edited)