Gigaom AI Minute – May 29

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Bioprinting, infertility, bioprosthesis, film, urban planning, drones, Techstars


  • A new development in bioprinting offers great hope in the field of infertility. Researchers from Northwestern University have created an artificial, 3D printed ovary which, when implanted, allowed previously infertile mice to give birth to healthy offspring.The bioprosthesis is constructed by 3D printing a scaffold using specially formulated gelatin layered on a glass slide.
  • A new film that investigates ways that human and artificial intelligence are evolving is hitting screens soon. The documentary, from Warrior Poets and Futurism Studios, seeks to uncover how future technology may allow people to augment their intelligence in new ways that unlock the power of the human mind.
  • Machine learning is being used to help design smarter and more livable cities. Researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich) have developed Varcity, a platform that collects massive amounts of image data of a city. Algorithms are then used to automatically create the three-dimensional model.
  • A federal court recently ruled the FAA's mandatory recreational drone registration violates Section 336 of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act passed by Congress in 2012. This means drones used solely for recreational purposes need not be registered with the FAA, however, drones used for commercial purposes still need to be registered.
  • Techstars, an accelerator with a current portfolio of about 7.8 billion, recently held it's first music event solely dedicated to the music industry. Techstars Music featured 11 tech music startups employing technologies to support both digital and physical music experiences. The event demonstrated the degree to which AI is starting to power the digital music value chain.
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