Leap Motion: As far as controllers go it’s not a big leap forward… yet
The $80 Leap motion controller is out on the market at last. With a UI that allows for 3D gestures, and an app store full of games, does it live up to the hype?
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The $80 Leap motion controller is out on the market at last. With a UI that allows for 3D gestures, and an app store full of games, does it live up to the hype?
YouTube launched on the Wii Thursday, and the app is powered by Google’s open WebM video codec. This makes the Wii app the biggest WebM deployment in the world, and gives Google a chance to show off what WebM is capable of.
Netflix knows the children are our future, and has worked hard to court the demographic of kid viewers. The latest move on that front is the introduction of a new user interface — labeled “Just for Kids” — that is designed to be easier for children to navigate.
With the race to transform the living room into a web-connected media hub accelerating, a new report shows the diverging viewer habits acros…
Accessing Netflix in your living room just keeps getting easier and easier, thanks to recent updates to the service, including on-screen search for the Wii as well as the ability to play the Watch Instantly service from one’s iPhone onto the TV.
Netflix (s NFLX) started to send out a first shipment of Wii (s NTDOY) disks last week, making it possible to access…
— Wii Gets PPV in Japan: Nintendo has partnered with 12 media companies to launch pay-per-view streaming service on the Wii. The content i…
Verzion’s FiOS Gets Twitter, Facebook and Web Video; the new Widget Bazaar makes TV more social, adds video from Veoh, blip.tv and…
So much for the theory that the gaming industry might be recession-proof. Video game hardware, software and accessories sales fell 17 percen…
Last year, Electronic Arts (s ERTS) CEO John Riccitiello told The Wall Street Journal that his company was “boring people to death…
Smartphone industry insiders are seeing even more advanced sensors showing up in upcoming versions of the Apple iPhone, among other devices. Once…
Real-world games have been tried before, but population density has always been one of their biggest challenges. The gaming might be good in Shattrath, but go to Times Square and you’re alone. Could World of Warcraft’s loyal followers help it make the first big real-world MMO? Continue Reading