
Hands-On With The Daily for iPad

The speed with which it loads is the first sign that The Daily is different. JPEG artifacts and and a distinctively print look for text-based articles are signs that it might not be. So which is The Daily? Brave new format or warmed-over rehash?

Hands On: Magic Mouse

Our very own Olly Farshi dropped by his local Apple Store in Helsinki and was kind enough to hook us up with…

Reorg At HandsOn; COO McCurdy Leaves

MocoNews.net has learned that HandsOn (formerly Mforma), the mobile gaming and content apps company based out of San Francisco, has gone thr…

HandsOn Forms Ad Division; China Exposure?

Mobile content publisher and distributor HandsOn (fka Mforma) has formed an advertising division, headed by veteran publishing exec John Rou…

Hands-On’s Guide To The Galaxy

This is funny, if nothing else…see this link and compare the logos. Inspiration comes from everywhere, I would say…and that’s all I will…

Hands-On is Official

Mforma has announced its name change to Hands-On Mobile, a moved we reported on first. The logic, from CEO Jonathan Sacks: “Consumers want e…

More on Mforma’s “Hands On Mobile”

Updated below: Coincidentally, the latest issue of Mobile Media newsletter from Informa discovered the same trademark filing as I did…an…

Mforma’s “Hands On Mobile” Brand?

Found this out on a tip: Mforma, the mobile content publisher, has filed for a trademark for the term “HANDS ON MOBILE”…the trademark appl…

Mforma Has $100 Million Revenues?

So says an AP story, referring to the Yahoo-suing-Mforma story. I’m watching for that S-1 soon…

Mforma Gets $30 Million Funding

Looks like this is the mezzanine round before Mforma goes public…this is the third round and closed in at $30 million. The round was led…

More Marvel On Mobiles?

Marvel has scored a line of credit so it can produce up to 10 movies based on its comic characters, with the first expected by 2008. This me…

Fantastic (Four) Mobile Content Blitz

Mforma scored the mobile content rights to the latest superhero comic-turned-movie, the Fantastic Four. What differentiates this suite of mo…

@MEM: Am I Too Harsh on Mforma?

At the MEM conference over the last two days in London, some of our readers asked me if I was a bit too harsh on MForma, the U.S. mobile con…

Jonathan Sacks On Mobile Content

Jonathon Sacks, Mforma’s new COO, has done an interview on mobile content and where he sees the market heading. Selected quotes:

“Two thing…

Two Senior Management Execs Leaving MForma

Two senior management executives are leaving the mobile content biggie Mforma…Among them, the chief strategy officer Robert Tercek, who wa…

The Sacks Effect: Mforma Lays Off 8 People

Mforma, the mobile content company which recently hired Jonathan Sacks, former president of AOL Interactive Services as its COO, has laid o…

Mforma Makes New Appointments

Mforma has made three executive team appointments to help manage its growing worldwide operations: John Rousseau, former divisional presiden…

Mforma Catering To Media Snacks

An interview with Mforma CEO Daniel Kranzler on the company’s recent focus on media companies, moving beyond entertainment. “The way people…

Telcogames To Distribute MFORMA Mobile Titles

Mobile games distributor Telcogames has signed an agreement with publisher MFORMA to promote its portfolio of gaming titles and mobile enter…

Marvel’s Mobile Plans

Marvel Comics did a deal recently with MForma, to develop mobile content out of its brand of characters and storylines…some more details:…

Mforma To Move To San Francisco

Mforma, the mobile content company which has been acquiring a lot of companies and is widely expected to have an IPO this year, is moving it…

How Mforma Lured Jonathan Sacks

A detailed story on how mobile content/gaming company Mforma lured the former president of AOL Interactive Services Jonathan Sacks out of re…

Mforma’s IPO Plans?

Can’t say for sure, but as this Business 2.0 story points out, Mforma should announcing it by the end of this year…I would be suprised if…