UltraViolet Claims More Than 1 Million Users, Says Retail Deal Is Imminent
Hollywood is betting that its cloud initiative UltraViolet will become the new way the people buy movies for the next decade. But so far the…
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Hollywood is betting that its cloud initiative UltraViolet will become the new way the people buy movies for the next decade. But so far the…
Good news for the developers of the iCloud, UltraViolet and other digital locker systems: nearly 90 percent of consumers say they’re incline…
Are consumers reaching their breaking point on entertainment spending? Prices for cable, satellite and telco video services are reaching all…
Not sure which is getting more routine now — announcements of musical artists going MP3, launches of mini-episode miniseries or old shows f…
More posturing from both sides: the Hollywood producers, led by its association AMPTP, has broken off contract talks with the Screen Actors…
Blue Frog Mobile, the Seattle company that works with TV stations to allow viewers to text messages in to appear on the screen, filed for Ch…
Access to mobile content is one of the biggest issues in the industry, and naturally the focus of one of the panels at CES. Muzibul Khan, vi…
The mobile entertainment industry is throwing away up to 10 percent in gross revenues, thanks to inaccurate and inconsistent content sales r…
Zipidee, a San Francisco-based marketplace for digital content, is set to launch over the coming week, with unspecified venture backing from…
Digital Entertainment Corporation of America, a Santa Monica, CA.-based production studio, has secured $2.5 million of a planned $5 million…
— Verizon Wireless has rolled out a live neighborhood weather service, offering the information via text message, the Get It Now store, on…
Movie showtimes, news and ticketing site Hollywood Media (NSDQ: HOLL) has sold Source Business, a provider of movie and events showtimes inf…
Cumulus Media CEO Lew Dickey, members of his family and Merrill Lynch Global Private Equity are taking the radio company private in a deal v…
In our last session before lunch at the EconSM conference on April 26th in LA, we’ll examine how social media is changing Hollywood. As broa…
–Mercora has added more than 7,000 podcast channels to the 100,000+ music channels to its M service, which streams music to Windows Mobile…
Getty Images, one of the two biggies in the editorial and stock photo business, which is in talks with Jupitermedia to buy the images divisi…
Blurring the lines between content and advertising used to be a touchy subject — e.g., the outrage over Nike using The Beatles’ song “Revol…
Clear Channel Radio, a radio company whose content can be heard on radio, the Internet, via iPods and through Motorola’s iRadio service, has…
A major house cleaning has started at entertainment trade publication Hollywood Reporter (owned by VNU)…this comes after John Kilcullen, t…
El Reg has a pretty good piece on mobile phones and what will happen when (I suppose I should say “if”) they become the hub of the entertain…
DDD has licensed “six still images, five multimedia messaging (MMS) animations and five short video clips…in the red/blue “anaglyphic” 3D…